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Life at Notre Dame
Life at Notre Dame
Life at Emmanuel College is a rich tapestry of the communities in which our students and staff live. The College values the relationships that exist between students and staff and students with each other and we celebrate the uniqueness of each individual. The College life experience of each person is a cornerstone of the support network that surrounds each student and here we acknowledge the Emmanuel College experience of a range of its community members.
There is lots to love about coming to school at Notre Dame.
A day at Notre Dame
At 8.25 our day kicks off with morning Homeroom, this is a great way to start the day because we meet up with our homeroom teacher, catch up with our friends and hear the messages for the day Prayer gets our day off to a positive start.
We have 4, 80 minute periods during the day which gives us nice long periods of time to focus on the learning in class. The day is broken up with recess and lunchtime
The subjects here are interesting as well, there’s lots of variety. We have the main subjects, English, Maths, RE and Humanities, with all of the specialists as well; Science, Health and PE, Art, Music, Drama, Woodwork & Food Tech, the list of choices seems to be endless. It really is a place for everyone and there is something that would interest every learner.
Outside of the classroom there is also lots to do, from year level camps at Years 7 & 9, surfing lessons in Year 8, Drivers Ed for the Year 10s and retreats for Years 11 & 12. Immersion programs like the Friend of Alice, the international trips to Italy, Japan or Space Camp at NASA in the United States give us the chance to experience life in the real world.
There is SACCSS interschool sport, debating, chess and lots of other ways to represent the college. The musical is open to everyone to join in, whether you want to be an onstage performer, musician or backstage crew.
There is always something going on at Emmanuel College, it really never ever stands still.
Come along and visit us, you will really like what you see.
Want to see what life is like at Emmanuel College, Notre Dame Campus? Our students Blake and Hannah will give you a tour of our school.

Transition at Emmanuel College begins in Year 6 and we offer a range of activities. Take a look at what our students have to say.

Year 7 camp occurs in week 5. Here are a range of activities students can participate in whilst at camp.

We offer a range of co-curricular activities and international opportunities for our Notre Dame students. These activities including camping, retreats, skiing and drivers education.

Part two of our co-curricular activities video. At the Notre Dame Campus students can participate in the Year 7 lip sync battle, SACCSS sports and outreach programs.

Starting at a new school can be a scary process. Here Abigail talks about her transition into Year 7, studying at a co-educational school, and how Emmanuel has helped her achieve her personal best.

Mr Daniel Walsh is the homeroom teacher of Cassidy C at our Notre Dame campus. Here he explains why he is passionate about teaching at Emmanuel College.

Ciara is one of our Sport Captains at NDC. Here she talks about making friendships at Emmanuel, and the key to achieving well as a new student at the college.

Ms Williams is one of our Science and HPE teachers. In this video she talks about the different support systems we have for our students and why she loves being a teacher at our school.

Our Notre Dame campus student Ciara speaks to Year 4 student Gemma about life at the College.